Heart2Heart with Pst. Emma & Pst. Chizzie Gbaruko

Heart2Heart with Pst. Emma & Pst. Chizzie Gbaruko
I recently met with a young woman who was tired of being the only one without a special someone. In college, she had dated one man, but after that relationship ended she was insecure and afraid to get hurt again. Now, after many years of flying solo, she decided it was time to jump back into dating. However, there was no one in her church, at work, or any of her friendship circles who sparked her interest.
So, she decided to go through a Christian dating service. She was excited to read the personal profiles of several men who she chose to date.
Sadly, every “Christian” man pressured her for sex. When she explained that she was a virgin and committed to sexual purity, one man aggressively attempted to change her mind, while others abruptly ended the date and never called her again. Does this sound familiar? Sadly, this young woman’s experience is all-too-common in Christian dating experiences.
So, this hangout is for you. And if you’re a man wondering where to find your better half, you might also be looking for dating advice.
With that in mind, let’s get ready for Heart2Heart with Pst. Emma & Pst. Chizzie Gbaruko, they will be dealing and dishing out relationship advice, to know before you start dating for starters and tips on how to keep it moving…
Dating is not for the faint of heart. And if you’ve had your heartbroken in the past it’s scary to trust again. But you are not alone when your trust is in the Lord, and His Word is a light to your path. You won’t regret it if you seek out godly mentors, and prepare yourself to be a godly mate before you start dating. And as you date, ask God to grant you His discernment while you walk in the Spirit, holding fast to faith and purity.
Day One: Singles Hangout
Date: Saturday 14 August 2021
Time: Red Carpet by 3:00 pm, Main Event 3:30 pm
Day Two: Movie Night
Date: Sunday 15, August 2021
Time: Red Carpet by 3:00 pm, Main Event 3:30 pm
Venue: Dominion City World Bank, Plot A2 Area A opposite Blackgate.
Special Appearance: Eberry
Quingistpopcorn will be available for all…

Don’t miss it for any reason…
Mind you, it’s a non-denomination seminar…
We don’t if you attend church or not…

Wear what you are comfortable on…
We are highly expecting you…