How ready are you to pay back your loan from NIRSAL Bank?

How ready are you to pay back your loan from NIRSAL Bank?
What is NIRSAL Microfinance Bank?
For those that don’t know, The NIRSAL Microfinance Bank is a financial institution licensed by the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) in Nigeria. The Company commenced operations as a National Microfinance Bank and is owned 50% by the Bankers Committee, 40% by the Nigeria Incentive-Based Risk Sharing System for Agricultural Lending (NIRSAL) and 10% NIPOST.

Earlier this year, some group of persons through the then Commissioner on Skill Acquisition Noble Atulegwu Abiaso went through the training and were given the loans

Most of us thought it was a grant and squandered the money, well, shame on you, because NIRSAL is ready to collect as they have started sending sms to benefactors, preparing their mind towards repayment.

Now, my question is,
How ready are you to pay back?
Because, you can’t shy away from repaying since your bvn is involved…
Invest money when given to you, whether as a dash, grant, or loan…

Congratulations to all those that invested theirs and sorry to those that misused theirs.