Walking In The Supernatural – David Ibiyeomie

Walking In The Supernatural – David Ibiyeomie
When you are conscious of your identity with divinity, you will step into life and walk out of struggles. You enter into a stress-free, struggle-free lifestyle.
To be a commander of the miraculous, you must appreciate your divine status. When you are in possession of the word of God, you are in position to command signs and wonders.
Many are struggling through life, not because it is part of God’s plan for their life, but because of lack of understanding (Psalm 82:5,6).
If you are a god on Earth, then why should you be struggling through life? Understanding determines the level of result (Matt 13:23). Your depth of insight determines the height of manifestation.
In 2Cor 5:17 “Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.” Man was originally made in the image of God (Gen 1:26), then man fell to sin.
Through Jesus Christ, the corrupted creation became recreated, by so, we all came back to our original State.
The redeemed man is the exact expression of the image of God. So when you are born again, you are what Hebrews 1:3 says; it says Jesus Christ is the express image of God’s person.
So we are like God. When they say you are like God, please understand, it means you function like God. Anything less than that is not acceptable.
There is a transplant of life at new birth, where the dead human life is replaced with everlasting or eternal life. In John 3:16, that life is the God kind of life. “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have EVERLASTING LIFE.”
Once you receive Christ as your Lord and personal savior, you have the God kind of life which is called Zoe. So, God’s abilities become inherent in you. Whatever God can do, you can do.
Everything in God is now in you. That makes you different from everybody. Things from this point should happen differently to you and with you.
What happens to others is not permitted to happen to you because the life you have is not the life they have.
Your perculiarity should reveal that your citizenship is in Heaven. Therefore the immunities and privileges of the kingdom you represent are operational in your life.
In my deep meditation, the Holy Ghost gave me a word, He said, “who Jesus was two thousand years ago on Earth is who we are now in this world.” He was the only son of the living God. God put in Him His life.

He was not born of man. There was no human sperm in Jesus. He was here operational where demons saw Him and cried “have you come to destroy us before our time?” He could say to the waters “be still” and the waters obeyed.
He could say to he sick “be healed” and they were healed. Why? Because He was the only son of the living God. Who He was two thousand years ago, as many that received Him gave He power to become sons of God just like Him.
So the very God that gave birth to Him is the very God that gave birth to you when you gave your life to Jesus.
So everyone at this moment should be operating exactly like Jesus Christ. You shouldn’t be operating anything less than Him.
This is the foundation of the miraculous, that you are not anything less than Jesus. You are the express image of God.
The life in you now is the very life that was in Him (Jesus). You are too loaded. Our responsibility is to cause the miraculous life in us to produce after its kind.
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