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Jim Iyke, such an arrogant Pr*ck by Adaku Quingist

Jim Iyke, such an arrogant Pr*ck by Adaku Quingist

Meet and greet with Jim Iyke at Havana Cinema Owerri was an excellent opportunity to meet Jim Iyke my childhood crush

I was so excited to meet him for the first time that I locked up my spot, bought the movie ticket, and even went with my own camera to capture the moment.

Well, just as we all know, life can never be predicted, so was the dude, after the red carpet sessions, he went on air and we went into the cinema, to watch the long-anticipated movie, in between the movie, the arrogant pr*ck came in with his paparazzi’s and set in the first roll before me, I been so excited to see him for the first time throw a joke from the movie, “now that you are here, hope no one will collect beating, lol” only for him to turn and reply “will you shut up”

In my mind, I was like, Aaah, look at this one, what is he feeling like? A few seconds later a bouncer came and whisper to me, be nice, you know he is temperamental, lol

I calmly, unlike me replied the bouncer, “well, it was a joke, and since he can’t take a joke, you guys can refund me, it’s useless watching him”

Who the hell does he think he is?
If you were a star, how will you have reacted?
Do you think I am rude?

Drop your comment, but whatever your response is, I strongly believe that Jim Iyke is an arrogant Pr*ck

8 thoughts on “Jim Iyke, such an arrogant Pr*ck by Adaku Quingist

  1. Well Jim can be a nice guy but you need to know him before you can flow with him. You would have gotten him closer before throwing such joke, however Jim can easily lose his temper so when next you see him tread with caution. If you get him relaxed, he can crack your ribs, I swear.

  2. The caption is also very very unfair if you are seeking an opinion about the gist.
    Why didn’t label it; ” I was rude to Jim Iyke” and then ask the same question?

    Let’s not use public space to run people down especially when we don’t really know them.

    Again, I don’t really know this guy other than I know he is Nolywood actor and am not a big Nollyword fan anyways.

  3. The caption is also very very unfair if you are seeking an opinion about the gist.
    Why didn’t label it; ” I was rude to Jim Iyke” and then ask the same question?

    Let’s not use public space to run people down especially when we don’t really know them.

    Again, I don’t really know this guy other than I know he is Nolywood actor and am not a big Nollyword fan anyways.

  4. First of all, if it was a clear joke, I don’t think you’d need to come here to try to explain yourself.

    Don’t you think it’s a bit hypocritical and disturbing if that is the first thing (joke) you say to someone you claim to be your childhood crush?

    I don’t know him personally and i dont care either but, unless you already perceive him as someone arrogant, then your exchange with him requires your apologising for a bad joke badly timed, than labelling someone and completely absorbing yourself of blame.
    My opinion 🤷🏽‍♂️

  5. I ain’t Sayang shit. Before dude beats me again…..what did you say he is again? Priqu abi? Yes he definitely is.

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