#Vawulence: Marry Amaka Gift before 14th August or else I will, Okpara Jude warns Honorable Chimdi

#Vawulence: Marry Amaka Gift before 14th August or else I will, Okpara Jude warns Honorable Chimdi.
Another Vawulence between Okpara Jude and honorable Chimdi loading…
Social media above all things is known as a place of fun, interaction, gist, and most recently Vawulence.
Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook clarified that its primary aim is to bring people together and unite loved ones.
Of course, anyone who signs to use the blue app must be ready for anything. Facebook since its creation has successfully been fulfilling its purpose by bringing friends, acquaintances, strangers, and family together and building a community made up of similar interests and ideologies.
It all started when Honorable Chimdi aka Zama King a famous and fast-rising gospel singer in IMO state uploaded a picture with a colleague, friend, and sister as he claims, Amaka Gift. Who is also a fast-rising gospel singer and ambassador.
The duo are known to be very close on stage and off stage, their singing pattern, their dress sense, and interaction have got fans talking lately but not until honorable confirmed it today.
In the picture, he is with Amaka Gift, and they were looking honorable. He captioned it
‘Dear Amaka Gift,
Shey, you know this thing suppose work, but you’re like a sister to me.
Although Mbaise isn’t that close to Umuahia, but I take you as my sister.
Well, the post wasn’t clear to some fans while others expressed their opinion until Okpara Jude Jaycee, a top radio presenter came with his Vawulence.
He shared the post and caption
‘Father Lord…just negodu the son you died for…just see how he has “sister-zone” his future wife.
What kind of iberibe is this?
Honorable Chimdi I will only warn you for the last time.
If you don’t marry this lady before the 14th of August being my birthday, I will marry her. Thank you,
Honorable responded by commenting, ‘Oh Lord, Why me’
What do you think about honorable Chimdi and Amaka Gift? I think they fit.
Share your opinion with us, and don’t forget to follow Quingist for more gist and Vawulence.