#Poem: Had I known by Duru Eunice Adaku

#Poem: Had I known by Duru Eunice Adaku
Had I known what I know now, I would have made a different vow. I would have chased my dreams so bright, And not let fear keep me from flight.
Had I known the world could change, I would have loved without restraint. I would have hugged, kissed, and held tight, And never let go without a fight.
Had I known life could be so short, I would have cherished every moment, Spent time with those I love the most, And made memories worth holding close.
But now I know and must move on, And make the most of what I’ve drawn. For though I can’t change yesterday, I can still make the most of today.
So let us live without regret, And never our dreams forget. For life is short, and time is fast, And we must make every moment last.