Over Familiarity causes great negligence buy Why by Daniel Nwankwo O O

Over Familiarity causes great negligence buy Why by Daniel Nwankwo O.O.
The C.E.O. of D’Inspire Mr. Daniel took to his Facebook today to share ideas on the causes of over familiarity, in his own words, click link to follow him and read from him.
Daniel Nwankwo O.O.
Familiarity is used especially in the expression “familiarity breeds contempt” to say that if you know a person or situation very well, you can easily lose respect for that person or become careless in that situation.
I have seen wonderful friendships, relationships, business partners, associates and even love birds separate just because they failed to handle the knowledge of themselves effectively.
Even when I tell my friends that I believe In connecting and relating with people, I have carefully become so intentional about the nature of people i allow in my little space. You need to know that not everyone that crosses your path deserves a permanent stay.
Sometimes, appearances can be deceitful.
You might never know how good or bad a person can be until you have a closer walk into their life and know how they respect and value people in their little space.
I always tell people. Don’t be too fast to love me and don’t be too fast to hate me. But until we can acknowledge our strengths and weaknesses and still respect and uphold our personal values, then that’s when we can enjoy a true connection.
Humility and Pride are two major words that reflects in the word Overfamiliarity. And this is applicable to both the assumed minors or majors.
Sometimes you become too humble to a superior fellow that makes them disregard you and then they accord more respect to someone who might be playing from a distance.
On the other way round, there are times you try to make yourself free, friendly and accessible to fellows who ordinarily should accord you a good level of respect, but due to the fact that they feel they have free access to your space, then they end up abusing the connection you have with them.
There are two major factors that has helped me in relating effectively with people. 1. I set my standards and 2. I watch my limits with them.
People appreciate those who can know their little secrets and still maintain their level of respect for them.
Dear fellow. Do you know that you have pushed away some people who might have been a source of the help you wish for, just because you failed to learn how to address and manage your connection with them.
Dear leader, do you also know that you have lost the minds of your followers just because you chose to only see them as servants and not people that can contribute to your leadership growth.
For the married ones. Try not too get too familiar with your spouse that you forget to appreciate their wonderful nature and be so conscious of their weakness.
Learn to manage and respect your connection with people, and by all means value them.
Now remind me again. Who is your favorite celebrity couple.