What Do You Seek? By Rev. Ben Azubuike

What Do You Seek? By Rev. Ben Azubuike
~Some of us are looking for the attention of God, but you have not followed Him. Once you follow you will get His Attention, and When the Holy Ghost hears the thundering voice of God He comes as a still small voice in your spirit..
~People are in church but they are not hearing, It Can only take a disciplined spirit to stay in christ, so that when God speaks to you, your spirit align to the truth. 1 Corinthians 7:35(MSG)
~Don’t be a man of double standards, know what you seek, because Christianity is a supernatural religion and it’s the only standard.
~How to move in the spirit –
Tongues + Focus + Consistency=Mounting Up in the spirit
Two kinds of power we need:
*Power To separate from sin.
*Power To obey God.
~It’s okay to seek material things, but there is a formular. Matthew 6:24-34(TpT)
What it means to seek the kingdom; Three(3) things to seek:
a) God; Hebrews 11:6(MSG), seek to please God.
b) Seek the things above: Discover the tools you need, in your spirit and in physical. Colossians 3:2(AMP)
~What tools do you have in the spirit?

c) Seek a company(i.e seek to make heaven);
Hebrews 11:14-16(KJV,MSG)
~whatever you do on earth don’t lose heavens consciousness, don’t lose focus of heaven.
Wow this is amazing, more grace my dear