You are highly invited to Wonders of Worship independence Day Special

You are highly invited to Wonders of Worship independence Day Special, at Dominion City Worldbank on October 3rd, 2021, Time: 8:00am
It’s another Wonders of Worship at Dominion City Worldbank, the independence Day Special edition. Venue: plot C2 Area A, opposite black gate, Time: 8:00 am
It’s mindblowing to think that we can worship God for thousands of years and never exhaust his worshipful attributes. If we become bored with worship, we’ve likely lost sight of this truth.
Just like we know, Any man or woman on this earth who is bored or turned off by worship is not ready for Heaven, what then will you be doing?
It’s time to let your worship effect life,
It’s time to come and receive the wonders that come with worship,
We need to worship because without worship we can forget that we have a big God beside us and we will constantly live in fear, we have more to benefit by worshipping God, we can even forget our calling and begin to live in a spirit of self-preoccupation.
Oh, there is a whole lot of reasons why we need to worship.
God uses worship to recenter our priorities and reestablish where our security lies. We can be taught why it’s important to praise and glorify God, but until it’s a regular part of our lives, we’ll never understand how God is using it to keep us focused.
He never goes away from us, yet we have difficulty in returning to Him. Come, Lord, stir us up and call us back. Kindle and seize us. Be our fire and our sweetness. Let us love you more and more and show it by worshipping you without season and reasons.
Let our hunger for worship wax even more, It’s appropriate and imperative that we ask God to rekindle a worshipful spirit within us. Sometimes the most powerful prayer we can pray is, “God, make me a worshiper because the moment we lose that childlike sense of wonder, it’s hard to worship with any real vigor.

Every human being has a natural inclination toward worship. If our world isn’t rightly ordered, we will end up worshiping and serving things besides God. It isn’t until we’re able to rightly prioritize God above everything else in our world that we can begin to worship in spirit and truth.
Worship is the proper response to God, ascribing all honor and worth to our Creator because he is worthy.