The Making of a Great Man by Pastor Gbaruko Emmanuel

The Making of a Great Man by Pastor Gbaruko Emmanuel
Text: Psalm 75:6 KJV, Genesis 1:26 KJV
We were made to understand that in life, there are three (3)stages;
a. Input stage.
b. Process stage.
c. Output stage.
The input stage is the stage whereby you Dominate, which is our general mandate.
Every man is born Great but few men become Great. It is one thing to be born Great and another to become Great. Genesis 12:1-4 but this greatness cannot be achieved until you pass the demands of the PROCESS STAGE our greatness will remain a promising note.
Your output stage is your manifesting time, It is one thing to have a vision, and it’s another to achieve. Remember, it was after the process stage that Abram became Abraham. Genesis 22:1
The Making of Great men goes through the following tests:
i.) TEST OF SUBMISSION; You can only be submitted to God, through a man. Mathew 4:19, 1Thess.1:6 TPT
Jesus, our perfect example stayed in the process for 30 years for a ministry of 3½ years.
The reason Adam failed was because he didn’t submit to anyone.
Without submission to authority here on earth, you can’t resist the devil. 1Peter 5:5-6. Without authority over your life, you’re an accident about to happen. Galatian 4:1-2 NKJV,
Submission is not weakness, it is power under control. James 4:6-7 NKJV
ii.) TEST OF SENSITIVITY: Genesis 22:2-3, This is tested by your obedience. You can only obey who go you are submitted to, so get a mentor. Your mentor is not supposed to be your friend alone, He/she is also your tormentor.
The next instruction will never come until you can completely obey because Instructions don’t always make sense, it makes Faith.
iii.) TEST OF SEPARATION: Genesis 22:5, You becoming great, requires you to travel a little further alone, Until God can separate you, He cannot father you well. if God cannot trust you to be alone you cannot become a leader.
Everybody is born Great but only 2% achieve Greatness, Always remember, in the journey of life Everybody is not supposed to be your friend.
To achieve greatness in life, you also have to be a night watcher, until you have a nightlife with God He can never take you seriously. Mathew 14:23 NKJV
If you can take away distraction and separate yourself for God to have you, everyone will look for you. 2Corinthians 6:17 MSG
Remain connected to the source because the source is also the sustainer.
Don’t allow the good you have become your dead point because The enemy of the best God wants to give us, is the gold you have now.
V.) THE TEST OF SACRIFICE: This test talks about everything, Until God can have it all, He cannot have you at all.
If your sacrifice doesn’t move you, it doesn’t move God.