July 27, 2024

Quingist Empire

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#Charity: Popular Mc host free eye checkup for people in Umukehi

#Charity: Popular Mc host free eye checkup for people in Umukehi

There is need for one to have his eyes examined and check. The eye is the source of light to the body and one of the most sensitive organs. it’s function is so important and sensitive that one cannot risk any damage on it.

Some people live without knowing or understanding symptoms of different eye defect. Due to ignorance people are victims of blindness or severe eye problems while others fall victims because they lack proper treatment and funds.

Mc Ichie a popular master of ceremony who is studying optometry in IMSU saw need for an eye check up for his people. With determination, passion and zeal to affect lives he organised a free eye checkup/examination for his people.

He invited everyone to come for free eye checkup at Umukehi and contacted professionals, fellow students and eye doctor to carry out the exercise. People turned up in their masses to have their eyes check and also receive treatment.

Indeed he kept to his words by not only conducting free eye checkup but also giving drugs and eye caring tips.

This is a nice development and a great service towards humanity we advise others to put in their effort to make sure humanity moves forward.

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