#Egedege: Theresa Onuorah performs Egedege At St Patrick’s Cathedral, Awka

#Egedege: Theresa Onuorah performs Egedege At St Patrick’s Cathedral, Awka
It was a surprise package today at the St Patrick’s Catholic Cathedral Awka, where high profile Anambra society men and women gathered to mark this year’s Armed Forces Remembrance Day, when Queen Theresa Onuorah of the Egedege fame came out to ice the cake with her sonorous voice.
Queen Onuorah who is 80 years old came to thank God for His blessings. But, the chief Shepherd of Awka Catholic diocese, Most Rev Paulinus Ezeokafor, just towards the pontifical high mass, in which Gov Willie Obiano was leading government officials and top army officers, and retired soldiers in the Armed Forces Remembrance Week, called up Octogenarian Theresa Onuorah before the altar, to greet the congregation.

When Queen Theresa got hold of the microphone, she seized the opportunity and held the congregation spell bound for few seconds, with a rendition of her latest music album.
As characteristic of Gov Obiano, Akpokuodike, that rendition earned Queen Onuorah a special handshake from the number One citizen of Anambra state. You could see the pleasant surprise on the faces of everyone in the church, not just because of the musical rendition, but also for the fact that the Egedege queen has clocked eighty years of age.