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#Superstar: Meet Obowo born Music Star TSoil

#Superstar: Meet Obowo born Music Star TSoil


TSoil is an Imo state born music artiste from OBOWO base in ABUJA …

As an original Igbo son who is proud of his root hence the acronym ‘TSOIL’ which stands for ‘True son of igbo land’ I’m sure that sounds convincing enough to show that he is indeed proud of his identity therefore I stand with him.

He is an energetic musician who commands influence both on stage and through the songs he has released so far, one of his songs ‘Mr Officer’ which brought him to limelight has also won many heart and has even gone as far as taking over his stage name.

Looking at the handsome musician and how he lavishly spend so much money on his songs, videos and shows, you could brand him a controversial artiste or call him ‘Tawawa’ but the truth is, TSOIL has also remained scandal free for a long time now but hasn’t failed to deliver good music which he has always been known for to his teeming fans. He’s such a fine musician from Imo state and if carefully supported and financed, he’ll be the hiphop revelation emerging from the eastern part of Nigeria.
His songs are all over internet…

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