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Tragic Demise of Salamatu Adamu: Allegations of Unlawful Detention and Inhumane Treatment

“Tragic Demise of Salamatu Adamu: Allegations of Unlawful Detention and Inhumane Treatment”

In a heart-wrenching incident, Salamatu Adamu, a 45-year-old woman and mother of two girls and a boy, reportedly passed away while in the custody of the Department of State Security (DSS), Nasarawa State Command. Salamatu, who operated a grain grinding business in front of her residence at Tudun Kofa in Lafia, the state capital, was arrested and incarcerated in connection with a kidnapping case.

According to reports, she was allegedly subjected to torture by DSS personnel, leading to her untimely death. The husband of the deceased, Mr. Musa Shittu Mohammed, and his family have now appealed to the Director General of the Department of State Security, urging a thorough investigation into the incident.

The incident unfolded on the 7th day of November, 2023, when Mr. Musa Shittu Mohammed, while working on his farmland at the Federal University of Lafia, received a distress call from his wife, Salamatu Adamu. The call hinted at danger, but due to background noise, he couldn’t discern the nature of the threat. Upon trying to reach her again, her phone was found switched off.

Upon further investigation, it was revealed that Salamatu had been picked up by men in black and forced into a vehicle, where she was subjected to physical assault. The family reported the situation to relevant authorities, including the DSS, but no information was provided about her whereabouts.

A complaint letter was subsequently submitted to the Director General of the DSS, National Headquarters, Abuja, by the legal representatives engaged by Mr. Musa Shittu Mohammed. The letter detailed the circumstances surrounding Salamatu’s arrest, alleged torture, and subsequent death while in custody.

The family’s distress heightened when they were informed that Salamatu’s body was deposited at a hospital by officials of the DSS. The petition expressed deep concern over the mysterious circumstances of her arrest, unlawful detention, and eventual tragic death. The family is devastated and seeks justice for the alleged dastardly and heinous acts committed against Salamatu Adamu.

As investigations unfold, the family and their legal representatives await a comprehensive inquiry into the matter, hoping to shed light on the events leading to Salamatu’s unfortunate demise while in the custody of the DSS.

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