#Molestation: Female Boss Fires worker because he refuse to sleep with her.

#Molestation: Female Boss Fires worker because he refused to sleep with her.
Sexual molestation is a moral crime everybody screams at. While this is common in the female side, some male folks still experience it. This was the case of a twitter user k#AN who was sacked by her boss for refusing to sleep with her.
He shared the story on his twitter account
‘This is actually the saddest day of my life, lol. I just got sacked cus I refused to sleep with my female boss.
Because I rejected her offer she has made work really hard for me. Anything I do there is always a complaint or error. So finally she got me sacked, I’m kinda happy this happened cus it’s already a toxic space for me.

I think it is not being talked about enough how men are being harassed sexually. I’ve worked with her for one year now since I finished my NYSC’

This is indeed a sad event for him especially how to survive. I salute his discipline and responsibility. No matter the money, fame etc doesn’t fornicate with your superior or anybody.

Joseph refused to sleep with his boss wife, though he was wrongly imprisoned his life turned around and he was exalted more than his boss. I believe this guy will get a more juicy job with better opportunities and attractive salary.
You did well sir.